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What to expect at the 'Should You Go Gluten-Free Workshop'

You've probably seen a few titbits on social media about the workshop Anna Mapson and I are holding next month, and you may be wondering what to expect. After all, going gluten-free is quite fashionable. Is it all about being with the in crowd?

It's actually all about being healthy and whether gluten could be affecting your well-being. You may decide afterwards you can still eat gluten. But for some people gluten can be incredibly damaging (my villi will testify to it) and if you're one of them, it's important to know why (and what you can do to make yourself better).

Anna Mapson - expert nutritional therapist in Bristol

Here's a little pic of Anna prepping some veggies and putting them into cleverly thought out meals that taste amazing!

Anna runs Goodness Me Nutrition, a Bristol-based business focusing on gut health and improving issues with fatigue, bloating, tummy pain and eczema, to name but a few.

Anna will be giving a talk at the workshop on her experiences with clients and the dramatic results she's achieved. (I should know: I'm one of them. More on that later.)

She'll also be offering a 5 day diet analysis worth £25 to all attendees, as well as a 20% discount on all 1:1 nutrition appointments. (This is basically over half your ticket price - win!)

Then there's me. You may have seen my monthly articles and back covers in Gluten-Free Heaven magazine or, indeed, heard me on BBC radio discussing some of the finer points of having coeliac disease (it's nearly 20 years since my diagnosis and things have got a lot better).

Ali Walsh speaking (photo courtesy of Super Funky Penguin)

What will I be talking about? I'll be giving top tips on:

  • how to manage anxiety;

  • how to eat out safely;

  • how to develop trust with friends and family; and

  • most importantly, how to look after yourself with a new diagnosis.

During the workshop, you'll have time to ask questions and enjoy some delicious gluten-free cake (yes, that's fabulously wonderful & yummy cake!). You'll also get 20% off any gluten-free cake decorating class of your choosing.

If you're wondering how Anna's helped me, there'll be more about it in next month's issue of Gluten-Free Heaven magazine on her 7 Day Gut Reset, but as a taster, let's just say it's revolutionised not only how I now view food but also completely changed my eating habits after ridding me of ongoing (and sometimes crippling) pain.

So if you've been wondering whether to sign up or you know someone who'd really benefit from attending, the workshop is:

  • Wednesday 10th July

  • 10am - 12noon

  • The Local Bakehouse, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 4LT

You can get your tickets here or simply call 0117 908 9193 for more information. We're already looking forward to meeting you!

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