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An Embarrassing Problem When You're Pregnant With Coeliac Disease

A question posed on Netmums set me thinking today. It was from a mum-to-be who wanted to know if there was anyone else out there preggers with coeliac disease.

It reminded me how few people there are you can turn to if you have an additional problem to being Coeliac.

The mum on Netmums had quite a common Coeliac problem (adopts hushed voice): constipation.

All she'd been told by the doctor was things she already knew: eat more fruit and veg, drink lots of water and get "natural fibre". (I'm not quite sure what unnatural fibre is but if you know then please enlighten me!)

My top tip for fibre? Apart from my daily dose of raisins, I'm a big fan of psyllium husks. Admittedly they're not to be found in your local newsagents but one visit to a health food shop and your purchase will last for ages.

The first time I tried them I was told to take them with water. I don't recommend this - it's pretty disgusting. What I do recommend is mixing them with a teaspoon of honey and either swallowing a spoonful or spreading it on a rice cake. My only warning: take a tiny dose to begin with or that constipation problem will be replaced with a rather obvious alternative.

Are you pregnant and Coeliac? Have you faced any additional problems? Do share your experience below!

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